当前位置:首页 > 练习和试卷 > 小学 > 英语 > 3AM1U1 Greeting with others单元小练习(含听力、答案)
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. Look and say(看图,说出单词。要求:声音响亮,用升降调朗读
. Look and read(朗读下列单词和词组。要求:声音响亮,单词和词组均用升降调朗读
1. Mr        2. Miss        3. Mrs          4. today
5. a new teacher  6. very well         7. make cakes   8. on the plates
. Look and read(朗读下列句子。要求:注意语音语调,做到准确、流利
1. A: Good afternoon, Mrs Wang.            B: Good afternoon.
2. A: How are you?                        B: Very well, thank you.
3. We have a new teacher, Mr Zhang.
4. A: Fine, thanks. B: I’m fine too.
5. A: Good night, Mum and Dad.              B: Good night.
. Read and answer(朗读并快速应答。要求:注意语音语调,做到准确、流利
1. How are you today?
2. Hello, boys and girls. This is Miss Fang.
3. Tweet-tweet! What can you hear?
4. Good evening, Mr Dog.
5. What do you like eating? (cake)

3AM1U1 Greeting with others单元小练习(含听力、答案)

2021-09-09 10:14
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