当前位置:首页 > 教学素材 > 小学 > 英语 > 小品——皇帝的新装改编剧本(英文版)教案
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旁白:Long long ago, there lived a king. He was very fond of new clothes that he spent all his money in order to get them.His only dream was to change new coat for every hour of the day.News of the king spread to distant kingdoms and finally came to two very shady characters.
骗子甲:Could we ? Could we fool the king who loves new clothes ? (they asked themselves.)
骗子乙:Let's try,
旁 白:They traveled to the kingdom and applied to meet the king.
骗子甲:Dear minister.We have something very special to show the king.
大 臣:ER~No.That's what everyone says.
骗子甲:Ah, but this is magical.We have invented a new cloth by using a very special and secret way.
皇帝:Something magical? (在镜子前试衣服)Oh, I love new things, Show the two weavers in.
大臣出屋:Come in.
皇帝:So,why you say your cloth are magical?
骗子甲:oh my king.It is gold,and rainbow coloured.
骗子乙:It feels like silk, but as warm as wool.
骗子甲: And it is as light as air, a most wonderful fabric.
皇帝:(托下巴打量)There is a grand parade in the city in two weeks, I need a new outfit for it. Can one be ready in time?
骗子甲:Oh yes.But there is a problem. The cloth is very expensive to make.
皇帝:No matter, (挥挥手)Money is no a problem.I need the magical coat. I will give you a place to make it.


2022-04-09 21:30
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