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Keep Away From The Net Bar
      4.教室里,老师公布新一次的成绩。对Tom 的进步作出表扬并倡导大家远离网吧。
剧中人物:Tom,boss,Ms.Wu,student A\ B
Scene1:This is a net bar.This room is full of smog and the noise of playing computer games.Now,it’s 12 o’clock.There’s still a lot of people sitting in front of the computers.Look,Tom is one of them.He is playing computer games carefully.
Tom:(手指在键盘上跳跃,两眼注视着屏幕。兴奋地说)Oh,yeah! I win! I'm the winner!
Boss:(翘着脚坐在一旁。)Hi,Little kid,time is up,you must stop.
Tom:(揉揉眼睛,作疲劳状,)Wait a moment,boss.Let me play for a while. I'll win this game.
Boss:ok. But you have to pay me more money.
Tom:OK. OK. Please wait a minute,I'll pay you the money. (继续前全神贯注地玩着游戏。)
Tom:(特别兴奋的样子,跳起对着老板兴奋地说)Oh,yeah. I've passed this game! I made it.
Boss:Congratulations!But don't forget to pay me the money.
Tom:(边拿起书包背上,边走,边问老板。)How much is it?
Boss:Not too much, just twenty yuan!
Tom:(作惊讶状)What? Twenty yuan! I don't have so much money.
Boss:What? You have no money?(气愤、拍桌子)

小学英语剧本(Keep Away From The Net Bar)教案

2022-04-10 15:03
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